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Soul Coaching

Embrace your next chapter

With Dea Bozzo: 

Certified Professional Life Coach 

Certified Trauma Informed Counsellor +

Certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor

Ignite Your Inner Flame

Welcome to Sovereign Soul Coaching, a space of healing, growth and transformation.  At Sovereign Soul Coaching we celebrate the power and wisdom of women in their midpoint of life, helping to gain clarity on your inner truths, establish a strong and loving relationship with yourself and bring your deepest desires and passions to life. 

Hi, I'm Dea! As a Trauma-Informed Counselor and Certified Professional Life Coach, I guide women through midlife transitions, empowering them to claim their sovereignty and find the “more” in life they are looking for.

If you find yourself here, chances are you are standing at the threshold of leaving something behind –an unhealthy pattern, an outdated way of being, a stagnant relationship or an unfulfilling job.

You are sensing the yearning to cross over to something new yet unsure what that “new” looks like. 

You've accomplished much—marriage, children, career—but now, at this intersection of your life there is an urgency, to reexamine your life and listen to the voice that has been calling you back home to yourself, to that part of you that got lost along the way.

Many women at this stage of life describe feeling a sense of:

  • Loss of joy and connection to your aliveness  – because the “real” world got in the way and you’ve spent years taking care of others and taking care of life’s responsibility 

  • Loss of connection to self - to your desires, your truths, and how you want to be spending your time 

  • Loss of a loving relationship with self and lack of self-care from years of taking care of others. You’re now feeling ready to focus on the relationship you have with yourself and on greater self-care and self-nourishment

  • Possible disappointment around what you thought you would have accomplished by this point in your life or how life would feel 

  • Unsure how to make yourself a priority and unsure of how to make shifts within your life 

  • Fear of failure about making new shifts or moving in a new direction at this stage of life


Are you wanting to be a role model for what true feminine power, sovereignty, audacity and fun can look like?

If you’ve resonated with any of this, you are in the right place.

AND I get it, I’ve been there.

I am here to support you in every step of the way.

It’s time for you to find your spark again,  to fall in love again…with life…with YOURSELF


Sovereign Soul Coaching helps you rediscover the "more" of what you are seeking in this life.

The More that can transform your relationship to YOURSELF and give you more depth, more intimacy, more connection to all of life and bring back the spark that’s been missing.

Your “midlife crisis” is the INVITATION for your awakening.


Don’t age “with grace” Age with audacity!


With freedom, with joy and with stories to tell, so you can say “I lived a full life” and have no regrets.

Become the QUEEN of your own life.


What I offer

1:1 Coaching

Coming Soon

Sisterhood Community


What Clients Say

"Feminine Power Coaching with Dea was a gratifying experience that exceeded my expectations. Dea helped me look at what I desire for my life, to realize the blocks that are preventing me from achieving those desires, and how to overcome my obstacles to find more joy in, and growth toward, my goals. Dea is a patient, kind, supportive, and welcoming guide who creates space for who you are and who you'd like to become. The Feminine Power model she uses has uplifting and positive language that made me feel loved, seen, and inspired during and after each coaching session. I highly recommend Dea and the Feminine Power Program, you will not be disappointed!"

Suzanne Johnson


Meet Dea

As a Trauma Informed Counsellor and Certified Feminine Power Coach I use my diverse training, skills, and life experience to guide women on their personal journey from “not enoughness” to wholeness. I am passionate about helping women “get to the other side”of whatever challenges they may be experiencing.


Many of my clients are transitioning from situations such as leaving an unhealthy relationship or experiencing a midlife awakening or simply seeking “the more” in life. Together, we explore the journey towards fulfillment and reclaiming the lost parts of themselves and step into the confidence and self-love they need to harness their full potential and lead a life of passion and contribution.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology – McMaster University 

  • Trauma Informed Counseling

  • Certified Feminine Power Professional Life Coach

  • Registered Yoga Teacher  (in association with Yoga Alliance) 

  • Certified Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

  • Wise Earth Ayurveda Women’s Health & Spirituality Level 1 & Level 2 Practitioner

  • ​Reiki Practitioner Level 1 & Level 2

  • ​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Informed 

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