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Return to Inner Peace

Join us for a half day retreat of relaxation and mindfulness and Return to Inner Peace. 


Escape the chaos and find tranquility within.

Sunday July 21, 2024: 1-4PM

with Dea Bozzo



Welcome to a transformative half day retreat where you can dive deep into the essence of peace within you.


Throughout this half-day retreat, we’ll be discussing and practicing tools around self-compassion and self-forgiveness that will help you regulate your nervous system and return to peace, love and harmony.


You’ll be led through a powerful meditation and journal practice that will help you transform negative thinking and self-talk, empowering you to transform your relationship with yourself and reprioritize your own self-care, wants and desires. We'll also move through a nourishing restorative yoga practice to calm the nervous system and return to emotional balance.


After this retreat, you’ll return home feeling renewed with a clear vision of what health, wellness and inner peace looks like for you, equipped with resources, practices and structures that will empower you to life create the life and relationship with yourself you are longing to have.



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Flow of the day:

  • Introductions & Welcome

  • Teaching Session - Understanding the challenges for the modern women and how it affects our emotions and nervous system

  • Teaching Session - Examine your current beliefs around self-care practices and your relationship with yourself

  • Meditation and Journaling - Learn and practice guided meditation to help calm emotions and the nervous system + Setting a clear intention for your self-care vision 

  • Break for refreshments

  • Restorative Yoga Practice

  • Reflection, sharing & closing circle

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.”
– Katie Reed


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Sunday July 21




Dundas Yoga and Fitness,

Dundas, Ontario

$125 CAD

My work with Dea allowed me to go deeper. With her clear and gentle guidance, I have re-engaged with the inner desires that were there but drowned out by the day to day noise and stresses of life.
Now with a new meaning to ‘moving forward,’ the old story is easy to drop and the new story comes forward with ease. I am most grateful to you for your dedication and skill dear Dea. I can recommend any woman seeking clarity, purpose and a new way of being, she can hold you and support you to connect deeply to your new story.

Toni Jenkins

About Me

I believe that each of us can access our inner wisdom and create the meaningful lives we crave when we are supported in significant ways. 

As Brene Brown says:

"The original definition of courage is to let ourselves be seen."

 I have been honored to witness this courage by many of my clients on a daily basis for over 25 years now. The power of this transformative work comes from creating a space where women can feel safe, seen and empowered. In creating this space of emptiness and full presence, insights arise, clarity flows and powerful change can be made.


 I am inspired every day by the progress and breakthroughs my clients experience... no matter what their story has been. Women have a remarkable strength to overcome and be resilient!


My ability to assist women stems from my own personal journey towards wholeness and healing.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology – McMaster University 

  • Trauma Informed Counseling

  • Certified Feminine Power Professional Life Coach

  • Registered Yoga Teacher  (in association with Yoga Alliance) 

  • Certified Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

  • Wise Earth Ayurveda Women’s Health & Spirituality Level 1 & Level 2 Practitioner

  • ​Reiki Practitioner Level 1 & Level 2

  • ​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Informed

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