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Women's Circles

Join our women's circle: a place of soulful nourishment, empowerment and growth. Through a community of sisterhood, we honor our individual paths and weave a tapestry of healing, strength and connection

With: Dea Bozzo



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Summer Solstice Women's Circle


These evening circles are for any woman looking to nourish her soul, align with nature and manifest her greatest dreams.


In this Summer Solstice Circle, we will gather together to celebrate the abundance of summer and to harness the energy of the sun to illuminate our visions for the future.


Through meditation, reflection, sharing we will bring your dreams to life as we create a vision board that will hold the intentions of your highest self.


After this retreat, you’ll return home with practices and rituals that help to ignite your creativity, nourish your soul and empower you to manifest your dreams.


Dates: June 21, 2024


See below in the registration area for circle location and time. 



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Flow of the evening:

Opening Ceremony: We will begin our circle with a grounding meditation that will help us set the intention for the evening and for the coming months ahead. 


  • Introductions & Welcome

  • Teaching Session - Why it’s important to align with nature and celebrate these turning points of the year + learn how we can use this energy to create more balance and stability within. 

  • Teaching Session - Guided meditation to help access inner wisdom, intuition and to gain clarity on next steps forward on your path.

  • Vision Board Creation: Bring your dreams to life as we engage in the joyful process of crafting a vision board. Materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own images or quotes that resonate with you.

  • Reflection, Sharing & Closing circle

  • Optional social time post-circle

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
– Anne Lamott



Friday June 21, 6:30-8:30pm 

Wildflour Fields Studio - Binbrook, Ontario

Celebrate the Magic of Summer Solstice! A woman's circle including meditation, journaling and creation of a vision board to nourish, connect inwards and connect with others


$55 CAD

My work with Dea allowed me to go deeper. With her clear and gentle guidance, I have re-engaged with the inner desires that were there but drowned out by the day to day noise and stresses of life.
Now with a new meaning to ‘moving forward,’ the old story is easy to drop and the new story comes forward with ease. I am most grateful to you for your dedication and skill dear Dea. I can recommend any woman seeking clarity, purpose and a new way of being, she can hold you and support you to connect deeply to your new story.

Toni Jenkins

About Me

I believe that each of us can access our inner wisdom and create the meaningful lives we crave when we are supported in significant ways. 

As Brene Brown says:

"The original definition of courage is to let ourselves be seen."

 I have been honored to witness this courage by many of my clients on a daily basis for over 25 years now. The power of this transformative work comes from creating a space where women can feel safe, seen and empowered. In creating this space of emptiness and full presence, insights arise, clarity flows and powerful change can be made.


 I am inspired every day by the progress and breakthroughs my clients experience... no matter what their story has been. Women have a remarkable strength to overcome and be resilient!


My ability to assist women stems from my own personal journey towards wholeness and healing.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology – McMaster University 

  • Trauma Informed Counseling

  • Certified Feminine Power Professional Life Coach

  • Registered Yoga Teacher  (in association with Yoga Alliance) 

  • Certified Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

  • Wise Earth Ayurveda Women’s Health & Spirituality Level 1 & Level 2 Practitioner

  • ​Reiki Practitioner Level 1 & Level 2

  • ​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Informed

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